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Custom Live Moss Walls For Your Business

Stunning Live Moss Walls For Your Space

Biophilic Design Moss Wall in A corporate Office

Moss Pure is the world’s only company to use 100% living moss in our unique, patent-pending air filters and stress relief devices. Our innovative designs require no watering, sunlight, or maintenance, allowing our moss to thrive indefinitely. Each piece is not only functional but also a stunning visual centerpiece, guaranteed to elevate your space and captivate the attention of your guests and customers!

We work with:

  • Fortune 500 Companies
  • Corporate Offices
  • Life Science / Biotechnology / Pharmaceutical Companies
  • Business Logos
  • Wealth Management, Software, and Tech Companies
  • Architects, Interior Designers, Construction Companies
  • Luxury Commercial and Residential Spaces
  • Hospitals and Doctors Offices
  • Restaurants, Hotels, & Breweries
  • Manufacturing Plants
  • & More!

Aesthetically pleasing design. Custom & bespoke to your space

Air Filter capturing 30% less CO2 in your air within just 2 minutes

No watering, sunlight,
or maintenance needed. Our live moss lasts indefinitely in our science

Filters dust, allergens, pet dander, odors, toxic gases, metals, bacteria, & viruses

Moss Pure Moss Air Filter. Living moss wall art that improves air quality and provides therapeutic relief from stress and anxiety. Moss wall art in home.

Includes MossPure’s warranty and maintenance plan

Moss Pure living moss wall art is a sound dampening panel and biophilic design

Sound proof design

Elevate Your Office Lobby

Custom Logos and Business Signs

Browse Our Custom Moss Wall Projects

Moss Pure Moss Air Filter. Living moss wall art that improves air quality and provides therapeutic relief from stress and anxiety. Moss wall art in home.

Moss Walls That Improve Your Air Quality

Our patent pending science works with live moss to purify the air around you. We are the only company in the world to use live moss as an air filter and stress relief device and the only company in the world to have certified air quality results from a U.S. laboratory. Certified analytical results show that Moss Pure captures harmful pollutants in minutes, including carbon dioxide, chemicals such as PM2.5 and PM10, dust, allergens, metals, VOCs, and certain bacteria and viruses.

Moss Walls that Zen Your Space with Therapeutic Relief from Stress & Anxiety

Moss Pure moss walls Bring Nature to Your Space. The MossPure Method uses patent pending science and product design to stimulate your senses such as vision, touch, and smell, reducing your stress and anxiety and increasing your productivity.

Live Moss Wall Art
Moss Pure Moss Air Filter. Living moss wall art that improves air quality and provides therapeutic relief from stress and anxiety. Moss wall art in home.

No watering or sunlight needed

Moss Pure moss walls require zero maintenance. We use eco-friendly materials to sustain the live moss within our product design. Therefore no watering, sunlight, or electricity are needed. Our patent pending and proprietary science keeps live moss sustainable in our products indefinitely.

Let’s Build Your Custom Project!